

Osp License - SHARING: (For Domestic and International OSP centers whose infrastructure is to be shared) (part 6)

Ozg OSP License Consultant

Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai

Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94 




1.             I/We hereby certify that I/We have carefully read the guidelines/terms and conditions, for the registration under Other Service Provider category and I/We undertake to comply with the terms and conditions therein. (Terms and Conditions of Other Service Provider category are available at

2.             I/We understand that this application if found incomplete in any respect and/or if found with conditional compliance shall be summarily rejected.

3.             I/We understand that processing fee is non-refundable irrespective of whether or not the proposal is registered.

4.             I/We understand that if at any time any averments made or information furnished for obtaining the registration is found incorrect then my application and the registration if granted thereto on the basis of such application shall deemed to be cancelled.

Date                                                                                                     Signature and name of the

Place                                                                                                    Authorised Signatory with

Company’s seal

Note: The completed application form may be submitted to the field unit of DoT within whose area the proposed OSP centre falls. (Detail as per Annexure)

Ozg OSP License Consultant

Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai

Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94 
